Are There Any Pallet Collection Restrictions?

Getting ready for your pallet collection? Here's a quick guide to ensure everything runs like clockwork on your scheduled collection day.

What's Pallet-Worthy?

You'd be surprised at the variety of items perfect for pallet transport. However, we focus on what not to send for everyone's safety. Check out our list of forbidden items, including but not limited to personal effects, money, weapons, anything offensive, and items that spoil. If your items aren't on the list, they're ready to roll with us!

Still unsure? Our friendly team is just a chat away on Live Chat. We're here to help figure out if your pallet collection and delivery is set for a smooth journey.

Before We Start…

Here's the best way to have a problem-free collection:

  • Surface Matters: Please ensure collection spots are on stable, solid surfaces such as concrete. Unfortunately, our equipment cannot safely operate on soil, gravel, or grass.
  • Curbside Rules: Our drivers stick to the curb, so please make sure there's enough room for our vehicle to pull up without any trouble.
  • Quick and Outside: Our drivers cannot enter buildings for pallet collections and are on a tight 15-minute schedule. Please have your pallet ready to go at the designated spot.

We are all about making your pallet collection as smooth as possible. If there is anything else you need, just reach out. We’re here to help!

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